27 October 2009

Its your turn- tea towels

well, it was me and Sean in the studio today, he was helping me to print the new Its Your Turn tea towels. each tea towel is a different size, so the registration was way harder than we expected, and we'll never divide the image onto two screens again, but you learn a new lesson each time, don't you?
So the next one which is in mid design stage, will be sooo much easier.
But it was good to get them done, and I even did some printing myself, which i hardly ever do.

They're hand dyed before and then screen printed with water based inks for softness

20 October 2009

new work fresh out of the kiln

I've got a load of new work out of the kiln, i had a good day doing all the decals last week, they're now in my shop

16 October 2009

Not All Glam

Its not all glamour at McCheek's Mayhem.
To get more decals made by Sean, I had to don a serious vapour mask as the stuff is very toxic, but we got them printed, and today I have made lots of new mugs and bowls, covered in decals, now waiting to be fired on Sunday, hopefully in the shop on Monday!

New fancy font alphabet decals

14 October 2009

Swedish Inspiration

I don't know how I came across this blog all about the Dos Family and the things they make and their house , but I like their style and their house, simple, and filled with light, very inspirational .
Check out this fantastic kitchen cupboard, what a simple idea, but not one I 'd thought of , well, i'd considered spraying ours myself, but thought better of it and now I'm just trying to figure out how I can get our three kitchen lockers into the back of my VW golf to get them spray painted fancy colours too.
Anyone have a truck I can borrow?

Photo collages of the interior of their house

If you ' Dos Family ' ever want to swop your house and have a holiday in Houston , Texas, come on down, I'm up for a trip to Sweden

06 October 2009

Roadside Distractions

Sean ( my husband) and Gabby ( my step daughter) are curating their first show together, it opens this Saturday in our new Gallery 619. It features new work by Give Up, Dual , Eyesore and Trash and Garnish.
Robert Ellis and Fat Tony are playing on the opening night.

02 October 2009

Autumn Colour Week - Red

Its friday, and its 'red' day, and the first thing I saw this morning was a humming bird right outside my window, i thought they'd already left on their warm winter holidays to Mexico, i took this photo above a few weeks ago, and the photo I got this morning is not red, but as they're attracted to red, I thought i'd add it anyway
I love those birds, they are so fast and determined

I also have a few red pieces in my shop including the Miniature Cactus Garden with a juicy red glaze and some red flower decals on my Love Cup tea set

I still want to be in Austin, after our trip last weekend, this Motel is fab, with the best kidney shaped swimming pool

I also got a few red things for my birthday last week, this beautiful Red Spider Lily from Kerry from her garden

Does anyone remember Smash Hits? well I now have the first 40 issues, and I never had the first one until Sarah and Jarvis got me a copy for my birthday present.! I was so excited. I was 12 when that came out, and that was my bible for quite some time .
November 1978 - 25p.
I also got this fantastic book - An Alphabet by Peter Blake from my Mum and Dad, very inspiring, as I'm so into fonts and lettering
and this is the last of the autumn colour week, I'll miss it, I need a new challenge for next week, any ideas?