Rhonda was a really good friend of mine and talented artist who died too young ,in September 2009 .I met her in the early 90's when she came to London and did an exchange with my then flatmate, Joel Tomlin, who was at Chelsea Art College.
She stayed in my flat with me for three months, and a couple of years later I had my first trip to America where Rhonda, Chris and I did a road trip from Texas to Oregon.
We later shared booths at the New York and San Francisco Gift Shows, with her business Recycled Works ( making everything from recycled vintage bottle caps) and mine at the time- Candy's Chandies- lights and chandeliers.
I met Sean, my husband through her and ended up in Texas living with him, and three hours from Rhonda.
The art exchange is taking place in her town, San Antonio, for friends of Rhonda's and I'll end up getting a piece of work that someone else made, which I'm excited about as, Rhonda had lots of great artist friends.
The piece itself has lots of details on it that were particular to Rhonda